
Dopamine-producing areas of the brain inspire creativity

An international research team led by scientists from MedUni Vienna's Center for Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering in collaboration with Goldsmiths University London has uncovered the secret of the "Aha!-moment". ...

Medical research

New cell therapy aids heart recovery—without implanting cells

Heart disease is a major global health problem—myocardial infarction annually affects more than one million people in the U.S. alone, and there is still no effective treatment. The adult human heart cannot regenerate itself ...

Oncology & Cancer

Area surrounding a tumor impacts how breast cancer cells grow

Cancer is typically thought of as a tumor that needs to be removed or an area that needs to be treated with radiation or chemotherapy. As a physicist and cancer researcher, Joe Gray, Ph.D., thinks differently.

Oncology & Cancer

Extracellular vesicles could be personalized drug delivery vehicles

Creating enough nanovesicles to inexpensively serve as a drug delivery system may be as simple as putting the cells through a sieve, according to an international team of researchers who used mouse autologous—their own—immune ...


Scientists explain how the brain can lead to Olympic gold

Any athlete who's made it to the Olympics has speed or strength or whatever physical skills it takes to lead the world in their sport. But Johns Hopkins University scientists say those who ultimately bring home gold have ...


Smart insulin patch may aid future therapies

A smart insulin patch, once translated for humans, could eliminate the need for constant blood testing and help diabetics maintain a more consistent level of blood glucose.

Medical research

'Decorated' stem cells could offer targeted heart repair

Although cardiac stem cell therapy is a promising treatment for heart attack patients, directing the cells to the site of an injury - and getting them to stay there - remains challenging. In a new pilot study using an animal ...

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