Medical research

Treating autoimmune disorders with an inhaler rather than an IV

Nanoparticles continue to find wider use in medical treatments in everything from drug delivery to diagnosing disease. In nearly every case, these ultrafine particles are delivered to patients via injection or through an ...


Wearable imaging cap provides a window into babies' brains

A team led by UCL researchers has demonstrated a new form of wearable, baby-friendly brain mapping technology that has important implications for understanding developmental conditions such as autism spectrum disorder and ...

Oncology & Cancer

Hand-held device reads levels of cancer biomarker

Researchers at McMaster and Brock universities have created the prototype for a hand-held device to measure a biomarker for cancer, paving the way for home-based cancer monitoring and to improve access to diagnostic testing.

Medical research

Scientists develop a new way to deliver drugs through the skin

Scientists from Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (NTU Singapore) and the Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR) have shown that applying 'temporal pressure' to the skin of mice can create a new way ...

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