Medical research

Triangulation across data sources to understand COVID-19

One test of both the power and hunger of any individual or organization is the ability to master any and every new, sufficiently advanced technological opportunity that urgently presents itself to the world at large. For ...

Medical research

Gut microbe battles obesity

(Medical Xpress)—Akkermansia muciniphila is one of the many microbes that live in our intestines. This bacterium, which feeds on the intestine's mucus lining, comprises between 3 and 5 percent of the gut microbes of healthy ...

Medical research

Antibody injection promising for diabetes and obesity

(Medical Xpress) -- Researchers at Genetech Inc. in South San Francisco, California, led by molecular biologist Junichiro Sonoda, have discovered that a single injection of antibodies into obese diabetic mice provided a marked ...

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