
Stiffening arteries in teenagers with persistent obesity

Children and adolescents with long-term obesity have increased arterial stiffness by their late teens, a study of more than 3,000 children followed from age 9 to 17 shows. These results, in the researchers' view, call for ...


New tool to improve blood pressure measurement

Scientists at Oxford University have developed a new way of estimating our true underlying blood pressure that overcomes common problems in a clinical setting which can lead to misleading results. Their work is published ...


Controversy surrounding 'fat letters' discussed

(HealthDay)—Despite the potential stigma surrounding "fat letters," school body mass index (BMI) measurement programs may be beneficial, according to a perspective piece published online Aug. 19 in Pediatrics.

Medical research

A complex story behind genes, environment, diabetes and obesity

While it is well known that there is a strong genetic basis to both diabetes and obesity, and that they are linked, Australian researchers say that there are many rare genetic variants involved, which will pose a significant ...


ASH: People with hypertension prefer higher salt taste

(HealthDay)—People with hypertension have a taste for more salt in their food than do individuals with normotension, according to a study presented at the annual meeting of the American Society of Hypertension, held from ...


A protein enables cardiovascular risk assessment

Researchers at the Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin have managed to predict the probability of a cardiovascular patient suffering a heart attack, stroke or arterial occlusion within three months. In the long-term, ...

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