
Late teen years are key period for bone growth

The late adolescent years are an important period for gaining bone mineral, even after a teenager attains his or her adult height. Scientists analyzing a racially diverse, multicenter sample from a large, federally funded ...


Dairy shown to improve bone health of Kiwi children

New Massey University research shows children drinking milk at school have greater increases in the size and strength of their bones, compared to children who are not involved in the Fonterra Milk for Schools programme.

Medical research

Even your bones can get fat, mouse study suggests

(HealthDay)—Exercise doesn't just trim your tummy. It may also improve bone thickness, boost bone quality, and whittle away the fat found inside bones, new animal research suggests.


ACOG: Assess all active women for female athlete triad

(HealthDay)—All active females should be assessed for components of the female athlete triad, with further evaluation if one or more components are identified, according to a Committee Opinion published in the June issue ...

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