Medical research

Controlling cell turnover in the intestinal lining

The lining of the intestine is the most rapidly-renewing tissue in the body. Routine shedding of epithelial cells from this lining is a key element of tissue turnover, and is thus essential to maintaining optimal health. ...


Starving immune cells prevents allergic reaction in lung

Starving immune cells of key nutrients stymies their ability to launch an allergic response, according to new research from a multi-institutional collaboration led by Weill Cornell Medicine investigators. The findings illuminate ...


Immune cells' bacteria may fight chronic inflammation

A population of bacteria inhabits human and mouse immune cells and appears to protect the body from inflammation and illness, Weill Cornell Medicine scientists discovered in a new study. The findings challenge conventional ...


Green tea and iron, bad combination

Green tea is touted for its many health benefits as a powerful antioxidant, but experiments in a laboratory mouse model of inflammatory bowel disease suggest that consuming green tea along with dietary iron may actually lessen ...


Laboratory discovers new antibody function

The laboratory of Dr. Jayakrishna Ambati of the University of Kentucky College of Medicine and an international team of researchers from Italy, United Kingdom, Japan, France, The Netherlands, Australia, Sweden and Czech Republic, ...

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