
Video: How to cope with irritable bowel syndrome

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) can significantly disrupt a person's daily life. Some people suffer in silence because of painful stomach cramps, diarrhea, and constipation. These symptoms can significantly affect a person's ...

Alzheimer's disease & dementia

Constipation may be a marker for dementia risk

Chronic constipation may not only be an indicator of gut health, but a potential warning sign of thinking declines, a preliminary study suggests.

Oncology & Cancer

Double testing better at identifying bowel cancer

The accuracy of detecting bowel cancer is increased to almost 100% by carrying out a common test twice rather than once, a new study published in the British Journal of Surgery shows.

Biomedical technology

A new generation of microimplants

They are barely the size of a thumbnail, able to communicate with each other and respond to each other, and designed to make life easier for people with functional limitations. We are talking about a new generation of interactive ...


Consumer Health: Dealing with constipation

Nearly everyone deals with constipation at one time or another. About 16 in 100 adults, and 33 in 100 adults over 60, have symptoms of constipation, according to the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney ...


Q&A: Constipation in children

DEAR MAYO CLINIC: My 10-year-old daughter spends hours in the bathroom daily. Every time I inquire, she tells me she is constipated. We do not eat out a lot, and we incorporate fruits or vegetables at each meal. She also ...

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