
Diabetes in middle age may lead to brain cell loss later in life

People who develop diabetes and high blood pressure in middle age are more likely to have brain cell loss and other damage to the brain, as well as problems with memory and thinking skills, than people who never have diabetes ...


Scientists rethink Alzheimer's, diversifying the drug search

When researchers at the University of Kentucky compare brains donated from people who died with dementia, very rarely do they find one that bears only Alzheimer's trademark plaques and tangles—no other damage.


Keeping aging brains healthy—lessons from genes

Do any genes protect against Alzheimer's disease? And do any predispose a person to its ravages? The answer is yes to both, according to work led by U of M researcher Lisa James.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Infants can't distinguish between large and small groups: study

Human brains process large and small numbers of objects using two different mechanisms, but infants have not yet developed the ability to make those two processes work together, according to new research from the University ...

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