Medical research

Scientists uncover new pathway for research in brain diseases

The purpose of certain proteins in the brain, known as ion channels, is to regulate how nerve cells fire, or send information. But a Yale-led research team has uncovered a previously unknown function for a particular channel ...


The nonagenarian athlete: Researchers study Olga Kotelko's brain

In the summer of 2012, Olga Kotelko, a 93-year-old Canadian track-and-field athlete with more than 30 world records in her age group, visited the Beckman Institute for Advanced Science and Technology at the University of ...


Babies born addicted to opioids often struggle with learning

(HealthDay)—Babies exposed to opioid painkillers in the womb are more likely to need special education services by the time they reach school age, a new U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention study found.

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