
Epigenetic 'age' predicts cognitive function

Epigenetic markers of cognitive aging can predict performance on cognitive tests later in life, according to a study published in the journal Aging.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Foreign languages slow down brain aging

Medical advances are causing a gradual increase in average life expectancy. However, this comes at a price, as the number of cases of dementia and other neurodegenerative diseases grows with age. Researchers from HSE University ...


Increasing BP trajectory to midlife tied to brain changes

For young adults with moderate or elevated levels of blood pressure (BP), an increasing BP trajectory to middle age is associated with an increased risk for brain structural changes, according to a study published online ...


Iron accumulation linked with age-related cognitive decline

Breakdowns in regulatory mechanisms cause iron to build up in the brain as organisms grow older, increasing oxidative stress and causing cellular damage, according to a Northwestern Medicine study published in the journal ...


Academic education can positively affect aging of the brain

The benefits of good education and lifelong learning extend into old age. The initial findings of a long-term study show that certain degenerative processes are reduced in the brains of academics. Their brains are better ...

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