Alzheimer's disease & dementia

Hearing loss and the link to dementia

Hearing loss is a natural part of aging nobody likes to admit is happening. But happen it does – and ignoring it comes with a cost. It could put you at risk for another feared consequence of aging: dementia.

Alzheimer's disease & dementia

Companion dogs may be a key to solving dementia

New research measured an Alzheimer's disease-associated peptide (Aβ42) in companion dog brains and found that higher abundance is associated with increased cognitive decline. The data support that cognitive dysfunction in ...

Medical research

Gut bacteria rewind aging brain in mice

In 1895, on turning 50, Elie Metchnikoff became increasingly anxious about aging. As a result, the Russian Nobel prize-winning scientist, and one of the founders of immunology, turned his attention away from immunology and ...


New imaging measure to track brain aging

Researchers from UNSW Sydney's Centre for Healthy Brain Aging (CHeBA) have developed an improved neuroimaging measure to monitor age-related cognitive decline in older adults.

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