
How aging alters brain cells' ability to maintain memory

A team of scientists from Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (NTU Singapore) has demonstrated that communication among memory-coding neurons—nerve cells in the brain responsible for maintaining working memory—is ...

Alzheimer's disease & dementia

Predicting Alzheimer's dementia in oldest of the old

A new study indicates that severity of amyloid deposition in the brain—not just age—may be key to determining who will benefit from new anti-amyloid therapies to delay the progression of Alzheimer's disease.


New method tracks how brain cells age

Hospital nurseries routinely place soft bands around the tiny wrists of newborns that hold important identifying information such as name, sex, mother, and birth date. Researchers at Rockefeller University are taking the ...

Parkinson's & Movement disorders

Study adds to evidence that Parkinson's starts in the gut

Ask any neurologist: Parkinson's disease is a brain disorder. The conspicuous symptoms of Parkinson's disease—uncontrollable tremors, slowed down motions, and the feeling that one's feet are stuck to the ground—all stem ...

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