Medical research

Estrogen may prevent younger menopausal women from strokes: study

Estrogen may prevent strokes in premature or early menopausal women, Mayo Clinic researchers say. Their findings challenge the conventional wisdom that estrogen is a risk factor for stroke at all ages. The study was published ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

The secret to successful aging

Whether we choose to accept or fight it, the fact is that we will all age, but will we do so successfully? Aging successfully has been linked with the "positivity effect", a biased tendency towards and preference for positive, ...

Alzheimer's disease & dementia

Scientists aim to stop harmful gut bacteria triggering Alzheimer's

The phrase 'you are what you eat' was coined almost a century before Alois Alzheimer made his breakthrough in identifying brain disease, but the evidence is now clear that diet as well as age influences the brain.


Epilepsy in children: Symptoms, causes and treatment

Epilepsy, also known as seizure disorder, is common, and there are many types. About one in 26 people in the U.S. will develop the disease in their lifetime. It affects people of all races, ethnic backgrounds and ages. Anyone ...


On Nutrition: Food for thoughts

I forgot that June was Brain Health Awareness Month. And then I stumbled over several interesting research articles that say it's never to late—or early—to learn.


How hearing affects your brain health

People who are having difficulty following conversations or are developing issues with memory and thinking skills may want to get their hearing checked. Age-related hearing loss may be linked to an increased risk of cognitive ...

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