Oncology & Cancer

Discovery points to better treatment for brain tumors

New research from UVA Cancer Center and UVA Children's Hospital could be a "game-changer" in the treatment of a pair of deadly brain tumors, and the discovery could lead to better treatments for other solid tumors as well.

Oncology & Cancer

Dogs inhale immunotherapy to test lung cancer treatment

A protein that the body naturally produces could become an important new immunotherapy drug in the cache of cancer-fighting tools available to oncologists. UC Davis cancer researchers for both companion dogs and humans joined ...


Study finds how the brain controls symptoms of sickness

When someone gets an infection, most people think it's the immune system kicking into gear when they feel some of the body's natural defenses like a fever, chills, or fatigue. What most people don't know is that it's actually ...


Scientists build subcellular map of entire brain networks

Researchers at the Francis Crick Institute have developed an imaging technique to capture information about the structure and function of brain tissue at subcellular level—a few billionths of a meter, while also capturing ...

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