
Investigating how 'chemo brain' develops in cancer patients

During and after chemotherapy, many cancer patients describe feeling a mental fog, a condition that has been dubbed "chemo brain." Why this happens is unclear, but researchers have found a new clue to understanding this syndrome. ...

Oncology & Cancer

Mapping the routes to drug resistance in cancer

When a freeway shuts down because of an accident or construction, drivers find another road to take them where they're going. Likewise, when a targeted therapy blocks a pathway that enables tumors to grow, the cells usually ...


Neurogenesis—discovery of a new regulatory mechanism

Bassem Hassan's team at VIB/KU Leuven has discovered a previously unknown mechanism that is highly conserved between species and which regulates neurogenesis through precise temporal control of the activity of a family of ...


Protein imaging reveals detailed brain architecture

MIT chemical engineers and neuroscientists have developed a new way to classify neurons by labeling and imaging the proteins found in each cell. This type of imaging offers clues to each neuron's function and should help ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Is dopamine to blame for our addictions?

Most researchers agree that the key difference between human brains and those of other animals is the size and complexity of our cerebral cortex, the brain's outer layer of neural tissue. We therefore tend to focus our attention ...


Tissue chips predict neurotoxicity

A lot of time, money, and effort are devoted to developing new drugs. Yet only one of every 10 drug candidates entering human clinical trials successfully goes on to receive approval from the Food and Drug Administration ...

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