Medical research

Brain fights West Nile Virus in unexpected way

In a turnabout, a biochemical self-destruct trigger found in many other types of cells appears to guard the lives of brain cells during an infection with West Nile virus.

Medical research

'Exercise-in-a-pill' boosts athletic endurance by 70 percent

Every week, there seems to be another story about the health benefits of running. That's great—but what if you can't run? For the elderly, obese or otherwise mobility-limited, the rewards of aerobic exercise have long been ...


A brain wide chemical signal that enhances memory

How does heightened attention improve our mental capacity? This is the question tackled by new research published today in the journal Cell Reports, which reveals a chemical signal released across the brain in response to ...

Medical research

How the brain controls appetite

Prof. Eun-Kyoung Kim's research team in the Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences has uncovered the mechanisms behind the enzyme that controls our appetite in response to low glucose availability in the brain.

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