Medical research

Using bone marrow to protect the brain

The ability to produce neuroprotectors, proteins that protect the human brain against neurodegenerative disorders such as Parkinson's and ALS, is the holy grail of brain research. A technology developed at Tel Aviv University ...

Medical research

New study unravels mystery of a DNA repair process

(Medical Xpress) -- Scientists at the University of Sussex have uncovered the mechanism of a key process in DNA repair that helps prevent neurodegenerative diseases such as ataxia.


Brains of one-handed people suggest new organization theory

In people born with one hand, the brain region that would normally light up with that missing hand's activity lights up instead with the activity of other body parts—including the arm, foot, and mouth—that fill in for ...


What does 'dead' mean?

Should death be defined in strictly biological terms—as the body's failure to maintain integrated functioning of respiration, blood circulation, and neurological activity? Should death be declared on the basis of severe ...


Waking the dead? Some things you should know about dying

Not content with saving lives, doctors are now credited with (accused of?) bringing the dead back to life. But how true are the stories we hear about people "coming back" from being dead and how does it work?

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