Medical research

Astrocytes improve decision-making

Decision-making during goal-directed behaviors is deliberative process involving different brain areas that considers pros and cons of each option. These cognitive operations in humans and animals are crucially supported ...


Overactive brain waves trigger essential tremor

The source of essential tremor—a movement disorder that causes involuntary trembling of the hands, arms, and head—has been enigmatic, impeding the development of effective treatments for a condition that affects 4% of ...


Rhythmic control of 'brain waves' can boost memory: study

Controlling the frequency of 'brain waves' could help to improve people's recall of memories and potentially provide a key to unlock conditions such as Alzheimer's disease, according to a new article.


Why visual stimulation may work against Alzheimer's

Several years ago, MIT neuroscientists showed that they could dramatically reduce the amyloid plaques seen Alzheimer's disease in mice simply by exposing the animals to light flickering at a specific frequency.

Alzheimer's disease & dementia

Brain wave stimulation may improve Alzheimer's symptoms

By exposing mice to a unique combination of light and sound, MIT neuroscientists have shown that they can improve cognitive and memory impairments similar to those seen in Alzheimer's patients.


Neurofeedback helps to control learning success

Thanks to an interplay of inhibition and disinhibition of certain areas, our brain can always guarantee the processing of particularly important stimuli. Neuronal alpha-oscillations regulate the flow of information in certain ...

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