
Study finds we can respond to verbal stimuli while sleeping

Sleep is not a state in which we are completely isolated from our environment: while we sleep, we are capable of hearing and understanding words. These observations, the result of close collaboration between teams at Paris ...


How do our brains tell us when something goes wrong?

Whether improperly closing a door or shanking a kick in soccer, our brains tell us when we've made a mistake because these sounds differ from what we expect to hear. While it's long been established that our neurons spot ...


New method tracks how brain cells age

Hospital nurseries routinely place soft bands around the tiny wrists of newborns that hold important identifying information such as name, sex, mother, and birth date. Researchers at Rockefeller University are taking the ...


Brain signals for good memory performance revealed

People differ significantly in their memory performance. Researchers at the University of Basel have now discovered that certain brain signals are related to these differences.

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