Medical research

Connecting neurons in the brain

The brain consists of a large collection of interconnected neurons. How complex patterns of neuronal cells grow into functioning circuits during development has fascinated researchers for decades. A team of scientists at ...

Oncology & Cancer

At molecular level, cancer mutations echo Darwin's observations

There are more than 100 mutations of the protein behind the deadly brain cancer, glioblastoma, however an international research team has discovered something these mutations have in common. The new understanding could lead ...


Cannabidiol could help deliver medications to the brain

Cannabidiol (CBD), a non-psychoactive compound in cannabis, is being touted as beneficial for many health conditions, ranging from anxiety to epilepsy. Although much more research is needed to verify these claims, scientists ...


Blunting pain's emotional component

Chronic pain involves more than just hurting. People suffering from pain often experience sadness, depression and lethargy. That's one reason opioids can be so addictive—they not only dampen the pain but also make people ...


Sex and aggression in mice controlled by cold-sensor in brain

Testosterone is blamed for sex drive and aggression, but it also appears to be critical for telling the brain "enough!" when it comes to those behaviors. A molecule called TRPM8 (pronounced trip-M-8) embedded in the surface ...

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