
Unraveling the mysteries of the brain with the help of a worm

Do we really know how the brain works? In the last several decades, scientists have made great strides in understanding this fantastically complex organ. Scientists now know a great deal about the brain's cellular neurobiology ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Brain signals can predict how often a news article is shared online

For years, researchers at the Communication Neuroscience Lab at the Annenberg School for Communication and their partners have been studying why some information, like news articles or memes, get shared widely online. More ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

How the hippocampus distinguishes true and false memories

Let's say you typically eat eggs for breakfast but were running late and ate cereal. As you crunched on a spoonful of Raisin Bran, other contextual similarities remained: You ate at the same table, at the same time, preparing ...


Brain signals for good memory performance revealed

People differ significantly in their memory performance. Researchers at the University of Basel have now discovered that certain brain signals are related to these differences.

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