Oncology & Cancer

Trial launches for children's brain tumour, ependymoma

The University of Birmingham's Cancer Research UK Clinical Trials Unit will coordinate the UK arm of a large international clinical trial for a type of children's brain tumour, called ependymoma.

Oncology & Cancer

Scientists make brain tumours glow

Stereotactic needle biopsies are an established standard procedure in the diagnostic identification of brain lymphomas and certain brain tumours (gliomas). Up until now the tissue samples removed had to be examined for tumour ...

Oncology & Cancer

New technique to help brain cancer patients

A new scanning technique developed by Danish and US researchers reveals how susceptible patients with aggressive brain cancer are to the drugs they receive. The research behind the ground-breaking technique has just been ...

Oncology & Cancer

Tackling hard-to-treat cancers from every angle

Improving the quality and quantity of research into cancers with the poorest survival rates remains a key priority across all aspects of our research activity – from funding breakthroughs in biology, to growing a sustainable ...

Oncology & Cancer

Treatment of malignant brain tumor in children gets closer

Researchers at the University of Copenhagen have identified important mechanisms underlying how a special type of malignant brain tumor arises in children. Not only do these discoveries give researchers important information ...

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