Oncology & Cancer

Breast cancer imaging surgery world-first

A world-first clinical trial to test new imaging technology that can scan tumours during breast cancer surgery has been launched at Guy's and St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust in collaboration with King's College London.

Oncology & Cancer

No support for increasing the volume norm for breast cancer surgery

The number of breast cancer surgery which a hospital performs yearly does not play a significant role in the chance of survival. This is the conclusion of research of Sabine Siesling from the University of Twente (MIRA institute) ...

Oncology & Cancer

Breast cancer 'clearance' techniques suggested

AN investigation into the methods of checking that breast cancer is completely removed during surgery, has found some methods aren't affective at eliminating the need for a second surgery.

Oncology & Cancer

Research backs risk-reduction surgery for ovarian cancer

A study by Manchester scientists backs preventative surgery to improve survival for women who are at greater risk of getting ovarian cancer and suggests it appears helpful for women at risk of getting breast cancer because ...

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