
Breathing your way to preventing high blood pressure

The most common type of hypertension, which accounts for 95 per cent of people with high blood pressure, might one day be prevented with breathing exercises if caught early enough.

Sleep disorders

How can I get some sleep? Which treatments actually work?

Do you have difficulty falling asleep? Do you stay awake for a long time at night? Do these sleep problems make you feel fatigued, strung-out, or exhausted during the day? Has this been happening for months?

Psychology & Psychiatry

Study finds yoga helps men's mental health

A new study by Deakin University has found significant mental and physical health benefits for men who practice yoga, but the biggest hurdle for many is having the courage to join a class.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Yoga and breathing exercises aid children with ADHD to focus

Yoga and breathing exercises have a positive effect on children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). After special classes, children improve their attention, decrease hyperactivity, they stay alert longer, ...

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