Psychology & Psychiatry

Key elements in preventing homophobic bullying in schools

How are non-heterosexual people affected by discrimination endured in the school environment due to their affective-sexual orientation? This question was the starting point in the PhD thesis produced by the researcher Aitor ...

Autism spectrum disorders

Bullying harms kids with autism, parents say

(HealthDay)—Nearly 70 percent of children with autism suffer emotional trauma as a result of bullying, according to a new study.


Gadget givers urged to consider ramifications

(HealthDay)—Gifts of electronic gadgets, like smartphones and laptops, no doubt bring glee to the teens who receive them. But people thinking of gifting such devices to a kid might want to consider the broader ramifications.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Being bullied can cause trauma symptoms

Problems caused by bullying do not necessarily cease when the abuse stops. Recent research shows that victims may need long-term support.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Being bullied can cause PTSD in children, study finds

(Medical Xpress)—Problems caused by bullying do not necessarily cease when the abuse stops. Recent research at the Universitiy of Stavanger (UiS) and Bergen's Center for Crisis Psychology in Norway shows that victims may ...

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