Psychology & Psychiatry

Online tool to combat schoolyard bullying

Teachers may soon have a way to pinpoint and measure the seriousness of covert bullying incidents at school and how it affects primary school-aged kids.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Report: Bullying is a serious public health problem

Zero-tolerance policies are ineffective in combating bullying, an independent government advisory group says in urging schools to take a more preventative approach that includes teaching tolerance to address this "serious ...


Research shows hospital bullying cases rarely resolved

For her Ph.D. thesis, Dr Kate Blackwood completed a series of 34 in-depth interviews with nurses who had been targets of workplace bullying. She found only one of these cases was ever completely resolved.

Psychology & Psychiatry

How can peers, parents, schools and new media stop bullying?

A new review of research out today outlines roles and recommendations for peers, parents, schools and new media platforms to stop bullying. This review was published in Policy Insights from the Behavioral and Brain Sciences, ...

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