Psychology & Psychiatry

Poor parenting—including overprotection—increases bullying risk

Children who are exposed to negative parenting – including abuse, neglect but also overprotection – are more likely to experience childhood bullying by their peers, according to a meta-analysis of 70 studies of more than ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Online or off, bullying proves harmful

Children who are bullied online or by mobile phone are just as likely to skip school or consider suicide as kids who are physically bullied, according to a study led by a Michigan State University criminologist.

Psychology & Psychiatry

'Cool' kids in middle school bully more, psychologists report

Bullying, whether it's physical aggression or spreading rumors, boosts the social status and popularity of middle school students, according to a new UCLA psychology study that has implications for programs aimed at combatting ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Key elements in preventing homophobic bullying in schools

How are non-heterosexual people affected by discrimination endured in the school environment due to their affective-sexual orientation? This question was the starting point in the PhD thesis produced by the researcher Aitor ...

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