Medical research

'Radiogenetics' seeks to remotely control cells and genes

It's the most basic of ways to find out what something does, whether it's an unmarked circuit breaker or an unidentified gene—flip its switch and see what happens. New remote-control technology may offer biologists a powerful ...


Scientists study the effect of mutations of Alzheimer's disease

A team of neurobiologists from Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University (SPbPU) published an article on their study of the causes of Alzheimer's disease and suggested therapy methods. The scientists believe the ...


Calcium reveals connections between neurons

A team led by MIT neuroscientists has developed a way to monitor how brain cells coordinate with each other to control specific behaviors, such as initiating movement or detecting an odor.

Alzheimer's disease & dementia

New biomarker for Alzheimer's disease found via CRISPR technique

The objective of the research, undertaken in the laboratories of the IBPM, is to develop a model for studying Alzheimer's disease (AD) of sporadic origin—in other words, AD that is not due to a hereditary genetic mutation. ...


Study reveals how glial cells may play key epilepsy role

A new study provides potential new targets for treating epilepsy and new fundamental insights into the relationship between neurons and their glial "helper" cells. In eLife, scientists at MIT's Picower Institute for Learning ...


Visualizing a memory trace

In mammals, a neural pathway called the cortico-basal ganglia circuit is thought to play an important role in the choice of behaviors. However, where and how behavioral programs are written, stored and read out as a memory ...

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