
Combo-snacks of cheese and vegetables cut kids calories

Want your children to be healthier snackers? A new Cornell study finds that serving children combined snacks of vegetables and cheese led them to eat 72 percent fewer calories—and be just as satisfied as those who were ...

Overweight & Obesity

Sugar substitutes not so super sweet after all

The taste of common sugar substitutes is often described as being much more intense than sugar, but participants in a recent study indicated that these non-nutritive sugar substitutes are no sweeter than the real thing, according ...


Sugar linked to memory problems in adolescent rats

Studying rats as model subjects, scientists found that adolescents were at an increased risk of suffering negative health effects from sugar-sweetened beverage consumption.


Growth failure in preterm infants tied to altered gut bacteria

Extremely premature infants who fail to grow as expected have delayed development of their microbiome, or communities of bacteria and other micro-organisms living in the gut, according to a new study published in Scientific ...


Calorie reduction, not bypass surgery, ups diabetes control

(HealthDay)—Calorie reduction rather than the actual Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (RYGB) surgery seems to account for the improvement in glucose homeostasis in obese patients with type 2 diabetes who undergo RYGB, according ...


Penn yeast study identifies novel longevity pathway

Ancient philosophers looked to alchemy for clues to life everlasting. Today, researchers look to their yeast. These single-celled microbes have long served as model systems for the puzzle that is the aging process, and in ...

Medical research

Ageing isn't fixed—we can manipulate it to live longer

When I was younger, about ten years old, I realised that everyone ages and dies. And I thought well why should that be? Can't we do something about it? I then thought I'd do it. I'll study ageing and figure it out, and I'll ...

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