Medical research

Awakening dormant cells to fight cancer

The advent of small-molecule targeted therapies, a decade ago, revolutionized the treatment of metastatic melanoma, provided that the tumors carry the mutations to respond to these treatments. However, despite a remarkable ...

Oncology & Cancer

Cause of metastasis in prostate cancer discovered

Prostate cancers remain localized in the majority of cases, giving affected individuals a good chance of survival. However, about 20% of patients develop incurable metastatic prostate cancer, resulting in approximately 5,000 ...

Oncology & Cancer

New gene targets for treating adult blood cancer

Hokkaido University scientists have identified new targets for treating an aggressive form of adult leukemia with existing drugs. The findings were published in the journal Blood.


Blocking distraction: How growing blood vessels do it all

Growing blood vessels are experts at multitasking. Not only do cells in their walls divide, they must also sprout in new directions while learning to specialize, ultimately becoming part of vein, artery or lymphatic vessels. ...

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