Oncology & Cancer

Simultaneous diagnosis and treatment of cancer now possible

Cancer is no longer incurable. Nevertheless, according to data released by Statistics Korea last year, cancer remained the primary cause of mortality in Korea in 2021. This highlights the ongoing struggle against cancer, ...

Medical research

New approach to slowing aggressive leukemia

A team of Harvard and Sloan Kettering scientists has developed compounds that can target and degrade proteins associated with acute myeloid leukemia (AML) and nearly doubled the life expectancy of mice with cancer in laboratory ...

Medical research

Discovery could be key to reducing leukemia treatment resistance

In a world first, Newcastle researchers have discovered the mechanisms acute myeloid leukemia (AML) cells use to produce "free radicals"—the byproduct of a cell process that aggressively fuels the growth of cancer cells ...

Oncology & Cancer

VCP/p97 as a therapeutic target in KRAS-mutant pancreatic cancer

A new research paper, titled "VCP/p97, a pleiotropic protein regulator of the DNA damage response and proteostasis, is a potential therapeutic target in KRAS-mutant pancreatic cancer," was published in Genes & Cancer on March ...

Oncology & Cancer

Study shows how cancer gene tricks immune cells

Cancer-associated genes called oncogenes are well known to stimulate cell growth and division—causing tumors to balloon and spread. But now, researchers at the Stanford School of Medicine and Sarafan ChEM-H have found that ...


Engineered bacteria find tumors, then alert immune cells

Combining discoveries in cancer immunology with sophisticated genetic engineering, Columbia University researchers have created a sort of "bacterial suicide squad" that targets tumors, attracting the host's own immune cells ...

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