
Diagnosing intake of two new psychoactive substances

NUS pharmaceutical scientists have developed a systematic approach to understand how the human body manages two new psychoactive substances (NPS) by predicting their biological half-lives and measuring their biological activities ...


Research reveals how sleep disruption can exacerbate pain

People often experience headaches and body pain after a lack of sleep, but the mechanisms behind this phenomenon are unclear. A new study led by investigators at Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH), a founding member of ...

Medical research

Researchers discover new therapy for fragile X chromosome syndrome

Researchers at the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) and the Achucarro neurosciences centre have discovered a new therapy for the fragile X chromosome syndrome. This new therapy proposes the modulation of the cerebral ...


Spice: The 'zombie drug' being found in some vape liquids

Five teenagers in London were hospitalized recently after smoking vapes containing the drug known as spice. This incident is only the latest in what appears to be a growing problem in the UK with unregulated vape liquids, ...

Medical research

Can marijuanna help transplant patients? New research says maybe

Here's another discovery to bolster the case for medical marijuana: New research in mice suggests that THC, the active ingredient in marijuana, may delay the rejection of incompatible organs. Although more research is necessary ...

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