
Spice: The 'zombie drug' being found in some vape liquids

Five teenagers in London were hospitalized recently after smoking vapes containing the drug known as spice. This incident is only the latest in what appears to be a growing problem in the UK with unregulated vape liquids, ...


Research reveals how sleep disruption can exacerbate pain

People often experience headaches and body pain after a lack of sleep, but the mechanisms behind this phenomenon are unclear. A new study led by investigators at Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH), a founding member of ...


Diagnosing intake of two new psychoactive substances

NUS pharmaceutical scientists have developed a systematic approach to understand how the human body manages two new psychoactive substances (NPS) by predicting their biological half-lives and measuring their biological activities ...


Rethinking the link between cannabinoids and learning

Cannabinoids have a strong influence on how our brains work and how we behave. Many people are only aware of the recreational aspect of cannabinoids. But in fact these molecules naturally exist in our brains where they participate ...


Cannabinoids decrease the metabolism of glucose in the brain

The nervous system comprises neurons and glial cells (glia means 'glue'). Astrocytes are the most abundant among the glial cells. Among many other functions they undertake to capture glucose from the blood stream to provide ...


Teen marijuana use boosts risk of adult insomnia

Smoke a lot of weed as a teenager, and when you reach adulthood you'll be more likely to have trouble falling or staying asleep, according to a new University of Colorado Boulder study of nearly 2,000 twins.

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