
What does myelin actually do?

Students of physiology are invariably taught that the primary function of myelin is to insulate nerves. In particular, to make action potentials more efficient by increasing the thickness of the membrane and thereby decreasing ...

Oncology & Cancer

Altitude sickness drug appears to slow progression of glioblastoma

A drug used to treat altitude sickness—as well as glaucoma, epilepsy, heart failure and seizures—may also offer significant gains for patients with a fast-growing brain tumor known as glioblastoma, according to a study ...


Drug reduces frequency of breathing pauses in sleep apnea

A new University of Gothenburg study has paved the way for the first drug treatment for sleep apnea. Compared to before receiving the treatment, breathing pauses decreased with on average more than 20 per hour for patients ...

Medical research

Saccharin derivatives give cancer cells a not-so-sweet surprise

Saccharin received a bad rap after studies in the 1970s linked consumption of large amounts of the artificial sweetener to bladder cancer in laboratory rats. Later, research revealed that these findings were not relevant ...