Oncology & Cancer

Stem cell-based therapy for targeting skin-to-brain cancer

Investigators from Brigham and Women's Hospital (BWH) and the Harvard Stem Cell Institute have a potential solution for how to kill tumor cells that have metastasized to the brain. The team has developed cancer-killing viruses ...

Medical research

Treatment to ward off stroke less effective in women

Women are at higher risk for stroke and have different stroke symptoms than men. New research suggests another difference: less benefit from a surgery used to treat carotid artery disease, a key risk factor for stroke.


How to take your pulse

Your pulse is your heart rate, or the number of times your heart beats in one minute. You can take your pulse using the radial artery in your wrist or the carotid artery in your neck.


Yogurt consumption reduces cardiovascular disease precursor

Researchers at Sir Charles Gardener Hospital found that moderate daily consumption of yogurt prevents thickening of the carotid artery while the same consumption of milk and cheese had little effect in reducing CCA-IMT.


Belly fat gain during menopause may elevate CVD risk

(HealthDay)—Women experience an accelerated increase in visceral adipose tissue (VAT) starting two years before menopause, which is associated with a greater risk for subclinical atherosclerosis in the internal carotid ...


Teenage stroke -- a frightening trend

Stroke has generally been considered a disease of the elderly, but the incidence of stroke in children and teens has increased in recent years. The American Heart Association Heart Disease and Stroke Statistics 2011 Data ...

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