Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Starving the bacterium that causes pneumonia

The invitations, decorations, candles and the cake – there's a lot to remember when you organise a birthday party for a five-year-old. One thing we thankfully take for granted in Australia is that our five-year-olds reach ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Blood test can track the evolution of coronavirus infection

A blood test that quantifies the protein ACE2, the cellular protein that allows entry of the coronavirus into cells, as well as ACE2 fragments produced as a result of interaction with the virus, could be a simple and effective ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Research reveals how Ebola evades immune defenses

Mount Sinai researchers have uncovered the complex cellular mechanisms of Ebola virus, which could help explain its severe toll on humans and identify potential pathways to treatment and prevention. In a study published in ...

Medical research

Cancer cells eat themselves to survive

To survive life-threatening injuries, cancer cells use a technique in which they eat parts of the membrane surrounding them. This is shown for the first time in research from a team of Danish researchers.

Oncology & Cancer

Development of the world's first digital model of a cancer cell

The computer model, developed under the lead management of researchers at TU Graz, simulates the cyclical changes in the membrane potential of a cancer cell using the example of human lung adenocarcinoma and opens up completely ...

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