Oncology & Cancer

Targeting breast cancer metabolism to fight the disease

How does a cancer cell burn calories? New research from Thomas Jefferson University shows that breast cancer cells rely on a different process for turning fuel into energy than normal cells. The results were recently published ...


Post-biotics may help shield obese from diabetes

You've heard of pre-biotics and pro-biotics, but now you'll be hearing a lot more about post-biotics. Researchers at McMaster University have begun to identify how post-biotics, or the by-products of bacteria, lower blood ...

Medical research

Functional human liver cells grown in the lab

In new research appearing in the prestigious journal Nature Biotechnology, an international research team led by The Hebrew University of Jerusalem describes a new technique for growing human hepatocytes in the laboratory. ...


Diabetes medication shows potential to reduce heart disease

A new study from St. Michael's Hospital in Toronto, Canada shed lights on how a class of medications that help regulate blood sugar for patients with Type 2 diabetes can also protect against heart disease.

Medical research

Scientists 'supercharge' cancer-fighting T cells

Yale scientists have identified a way to "supercharge" tumor-attacking T cells, a finding that may not only improve the effectiveness of a promising type of cell-based cancer immunotherapy but also expand the number of cancers ...


Gut research delves deeper into obesity problems

By delving deeper into metabolism problems, the research team has found that the nutrient sensing capacity of Enterochromaffin (EC) cells—which line the gastrointestinal tract and are the source of almost all serotonin ...

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