Oncology & Cancer

Discovery could lead to new cancer treatment

A team of scientists from the University of Colorado School of Medicine has reported the breakthrough discovery of a process to expand production of stem cells used to treat cancer patients. These findings could have implications ...


Examining how poor diet damages blood vessels

Over the course of the last several decades, the rate of obesity has progressively increased and is now one of the leading causes of death worldwide—650 million adults are classified as obese. The World Health Organization ...

Medical research

Turning 'bad' fat into 'good': A future treatment for obesity?

By knocking down the expression of a protein in rat brains known to stimulate eating, Johns Hopkins researchers say they not only reduced the animals' calorie intake and weight, but also transformed their fat into a type ...

Oncology & Cancer

Team finds new approach to curbing cancer cell growth

Using a new approach, scientists at The Scripps Research Institute (TSRI) and collaborating institutions have discovered a novel drug candidate that could be used to treat certain types of breast cancer, lung cancer and melanoma.


Two independent mechanisms are involved in tuberous sclerosis

The current idea about how tuberous sclerosis occurs places mTORC1, a protein complex that regulates cell metabolism, as the major driving force behind the disease. But according to a new study published in the Proceedings ...

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