Oncology & Cancer

When cells are consumed by wanderlust

(Medical Xpress)—In experiments on zebrafish, Freiburg researchers have demonstrated that the same proteins that lead to the formation of metastases in humans also cause the cells to migrate during embryonic development. ...


How killer -T-cells migrate towards virus-infected cells

Joost Beltman (LACDR, Leiden University) has provided novel insights in the way T-killer cells migrate towards virus-infected cells. This was accomplished by a combination of experimental research in the group of Ton Schumacher ...

Oncology & Cancer

New target to stop cancer's spread discovered

Disrupting a key interaction between two types of proteins in cells inhibits the spread of cancerous cells, providing researchers with a new pathway toward developing cancer-fighting drugs, according to new findings by Georgia ...

Medical research

Wound-homing molecule found to accelerate tissue repair

One of the key goals of medical science is to speed up the healing of tissue injuries in a way that doesn't enable the forming of less functional scar tissue in the affected areas. Professor Tero Järvinen at Tampere University ...

Oncology & Cancer

Researchers develop new approach for studying deadly brain cancer

Human glioblastoma multiforme, one of the most common, aggressive and deadly forms of brain cancer, is notoriously difficult to study. Scientists have traditionally studied cancer cells in petri dishes, which have none of ...

Medical research

Scientists bringing cells on the fast track

During cancer metastasis, immune response cells are moving in a controlled manner through the body. Researchers from the Department of Biomedicine at the University of Basel discovered novel mechanisms of cell migration by ...

Oncology & Cancer

Decoding the molecular mechanisms of ovarian cancer progression

Ovarian cancer is the most lethal gynecologic malignancy in the United States, resulting in an estimated 14,100 deaths and 22,500 new cases in 2017 alone. This high mortality is primarily caused by resistance to therapy and ...

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