
Mechanism of impaired wound healing in diabetes identified

Researchers at Karolinska Institutet in Sweden have identified a mechanism that can explain the impaired wound healing in diabetes which can lead to diabetic foot ulcers. The study is published in the scientific journal Proceedings ...


How clutch molecules enable neuron migration

The brain can discriminate over 1 trillion odors. Once entering the nose, odor-related molecules activate olfactory neurons. Neuron signals first accumulate at the olfactory bulb before being passed on to activate the appropriate ...


Blood vessels instruct brain development

Function and homeostasis of the brain relies on communication between its complex network of cells. Consequently, development of the different groups of cells in the brain needs to be coordinated in time and space. The group ...


The dynamics of directed axon migration in the brain

In a new study, NAIST scientists, in collaboration with researchers at the Osaka National Hospital and University of Tokyo, report that the L1 Cell Adhesion Molecule (L1-CAM) is crucial for directed axon migration. The study ...

Oncology & Cancer

What does hair loss have to teach us about cancer metastasis?

Understanding how cancer cells are able to metastasize—migrate from the primary tumor to distant sites in the body—and developing therapies to inhibit this process are the focus of many laboratories around the country. ...

Medical research

Team unlocks the mysteries of wound healing

Researchers at the University of Arizona have discovered what causes and regulates collective cell migration, one of the most universal but least understood biological processes in all living organisms.

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