Oncology & Cancer

Cell phones and rats: Study explores radiation exposure

For some years research teams have explored and attempted to sort out any evidence concerning a cause-effect situation with mobile phones and cancer. Interest in the question does not disappear. Scientific groups prefer to ...

Parkinson's & Movement disorders

A new wearable system tracks Parkinson's disease symptoms remotely

Parkinson's disease affects 10 million people worldwide and its symptoms include tremors in the fingers and hands, small handwriting, loss of smell, walking difficulties, dizziness, and others. As these symptoms worsen over ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Who gets most distracted by cell phones?

Researchers have verified that the mere presence of a cell phone or smartphone can adversely affect our cognitive performance, particularly among infrequent internet users.

Medical research

New target identified for treatment of premature aging disease

A stretch of DNA that hops around the human genome plays a role in premature aging disorders, scientists at the Salk Institute and King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST) in Saudi Arabia have discovered. ...

Oncology & Cancer

Debunking 13 common cancer myths

Cancer myths irritate me. Not only because they fly in the face of scientific research, but also because they prey upon people who are just trying to do their best to live a healthy life.

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