Medical research

Study identifies potential new pathway for drug development

A newly found understanding of receptor signaling may have revealed a better way to design drugs. A study from Nationwide Children's Hospital suggests that a newly identified group of proteins, alpha arrestins, may play a ...

Oncology & Cancer

New hope for setback-dogged cancer treatment

Several drugs companies have ineffectively tried to produce antibodies that bind to the IGF-1 receptor on the cell surface, which has a critical part to play in the development of cancer. Scientists at Karolinska Institutet ...

Oncology & Cancer

Protein may represent a switch to turn off B cell lymphoma

Researchers studying the molecular signals that drive a specific type of lymphoma have discovered a key biological pathway leading to this type of cancer. Cancerous cells have been described as being "addicted" to certain ...

Oncology & Cancer

New universal platform for cancer immunotherapy developed

(Medical Xpress) -- Researchers from the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania report this month in Cancer Research a universal approach to personalized cancer therapy based on T cells. It is the first ...

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