
Gut to brain: Nerve cells detect what we eat

The gut and the brain communicate with each other in order to adapt satiety and blood sugar levels during food consumption. The vagus nerve is an important communicator between these two organs. Researchers from the Max Planck ...

Oncology & Cancer

Researchers identify how to prevent cancer metastases

Metastases can develop in the body even years after apparently successful cancer treatment. They originate from cancer cells that migrated from the original tumor to other organs, and which can lie there inactive for a considerable ...


Epigenetic changes drive the fate of a B cell

B cells are the immune cells responsible for creating antibodies, and most B cells, known as B2 cells, produce antibodies in response to a pathogen or a vaccine, providing defense and immunity against infections. But a small ...


Scientists reveal origin of neuronal diversity in hypothalamus

A mechanistic understanding of brain development requires a systematic survey of neural progenitor cell types, their lineage specification and maturation of postmitotic neurons. Cumulative evidences based on single-cell transcriptomic ...

Medical research

Stem cells show gender differences in COVID-19 risk

With more than 125 million people infected and nearly 3 million dead, the COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted the world in inconceivable ways. Adding to the challenge is that the patient condition varies widely, from the asymptomatic ...

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