Medical research

Feeling the pressure: How blood vessels sense their environment

Cells and tissues are not mere static structures. They have the ability to sense and dynamically react to external cues to ensure that they adapt to the ever-changing outside environment. Now, researchers from the University ...

Medical research

Speedy antibiotic susceptibility tests for high-priority pathogens

At the core of the antibiotic-resistance crisis is the lack of a rapid and general antibiotic susceptibility test (AST) that can assess the infecting pathogen's sensitivity to antibiotics and thus inform treatment decisions ...

Medical research

In fighting gut infections, nervous system is key, team finds

The peaceful and delicate co-existence of friendly gut bacteria and the immune system relies on highly coordinated information exchange between immune system cells and certain cells lining the intestine. Until now, scientists ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Study finds common cold virus can infect the placenta

Researchers have shown that a common cold virus can infect cells derived from human placentas, suggesting that it may be possible for the infection to pass from expectant mothers to their unborn children.

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