Medical research

New imaging technique enables the study of 3-D printed brain tumors

Glioblastomas are complex, fast-growing malignant brain tumors that are made up of various types of cells. Even with aggressive treatment—which often includes surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy—glioblastomas are difficult ...

Overweight & Obesity

New study shows the effects of obesity mirror those of aging

Globally, an estimated 1.9 billion adults and 380 million children are overweight or obese. According to the World Health Organization, more people are dying from being overweight than underweight. Researchers at Concordia ...

Medical research

How the brain detects fine differences

How do people manage to find their way around the neighborhood even though the streets look similar? Researchers at the University of Bonn have gained new insights into a mechanism that very likely plays a major role in this ...

Alzheimer's disease & dementia

Uncovering the unusual way aggregates hijack proteins

Utrecht scientists have uncovered how aggregates alter the behavior of Tau protein, known to play a role in Alzheimer's disease. On a molecular level, the researchers have revealed why certain proteins tend to bind to Tau ...


New research could reduce the risk of sudden cardiac death

Around 26 million people worldwide suffer from heart failure, with more than 50 per cent dying suddenly most likely due to the spontaneous onset of a heart rhythm problem, known as an arrhythmia. The link between the electrical ...

Sports medicine & Kinesiology

Lifelong female exercisers benefit from better muscle function

Exercising throughout a woman's life may help preserve muscle power during the aging process, according to recent research. The study, the first to examine the effects of lifelong aerobic exercise on a woman's muscles as ...


Molecular bodyguards against Parkinson's disease

Chaperone proteins in human cells dynamically interact with the protein α-Synuclein, which is strongly associated with Parkinson's disease. A disturbed relationship to these "bodyguards" leads to cell damage and the formation ...

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