
We each live in our own little world—smellwise

There are some smells we all find revolting. But toward a handful of odors, different people display different sensitivities—some can smell them, while some can't, or some find them appealing, while others don't. A pair ...


Food scientists strive for sodium reduction

In the May issue of Food Technology magazine published by the Institute of Food Technologists (IFT), Associate Editor Karen Nachay writes about how food manufacturers are trying to overcome formulation challenges to develop ...


Some cheeses exceed contaminant levels recommended by EU

Researchers at the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (Spain) have analysed more than 60 brands of cheese commonly available in supermarkets. The concentration of organochloride contaminants in the majority of the samples ...


US proposes sweeping new food safety rules (Update)

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration on Friday proposed the most sweeping food safety rules in decades, requiring farmers and food companies to be more vigilant in the wake of deadly outbreaks in peanuts, cantaloupe and ...


Combo-snacks of cheese and vegetables cut kids calories

Want your children to be healthier snackers? A new Cornell study finds that serving children combined snacks of vegetables and cheese led them to eat 72 percent fewer calories—and be just as satisfied as those who were ...


New research reveals cheese saltier than seawater

New research from CASH (Consensus Action on Salt and Health) at Queen Mary, University of London, has revealed the unnecessarily high levels of salt in a staple of the country's shopping baskets – cheese.

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