
Arc welding fumes detrimental to human health

Working as part of an international group of toxicologists, scientists of the Far Eastern Federal University (FEFU) have found that harmful nanoparticles are formed in the process of arc welding using the most common types ...

Oncology & Cancer

Advancing gene therapy for skin cancer

One of the deadliest skin cancers, melanoma may be caused by overexposure to ultraviolet radiation from the sun or artificial sources such as tanning beds and sunlamps. The Melanoma Network of Canada reports that lifetime ...

Oncology & Cancer

Mushrooms of the Far East hold promise for anti-cancer therapy

Mushrooms from the Far East contain natural chemical compounds that could be used for the design of the novel drugs with highly specific anti-tumor activities and low toxicity. These compounds may offer new avenues for oncology, ...

Oncology & Cancer

Searching out pancreatic cancer risk

A prospective study by Wei Zheng, Ph.D., M.D., and colleagues delivers the first direct epidemiological evidence that increased production of a chemical compound called prostaglandin E2 (PGE2), as measured by metabolites ...


Non-psychotropic cannabinoids show promise for pain relief

Some cancers love bone. They thrive in its nutrient-rich environment while gnawing away at the very substrate that sustains them, all the while releasing inflammatory substances that cause pain—pain so severe that opioids ...

Medical research

'Exercise-in-a-pill' boosts athletic endurance by 70 percent

Every week, there seems to be another story about the health benefits of running. That's great—but what if you can't run? For the elderly, obese or otherwise mobility-limited, the rewards of aerobic exercise have long been ...

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