Medical research

Global search for next antibiotic

Australian researchers from The University of Queensland (UQ) have launched a global search to discover antibiotics capable of combating superbug bacteria that are resistant to current antibiotics.


Milk proteins may protect against cardiovascular disease

The Maillard reaction is a chemical reaction between amino acids and reducing sugars that results in browned foods like seared steaks and toasted bread. When proteins and sugars are mixed together and heated, new chemical ...


Study warns about bisphenol A substitutes

Two substitutes for bisphenol A, a plastic ingredient banned in some countries over health fears, are also a source of concern, French researchers warned Thursday.

Medical research

New drug design enhances brain signaling by a factor of 1,000

Chemical-biological research from the University of Copenhagen sheds light on important communication processes in the brain by means of new effective molecules that improve the starting point provided by nature by more than ...


Fiber fermentation by-product may help prevent weight gain

(HealthDay)—Propionate, a fatty acid created when fiber ferments in the colon, appears to prevent weight gain and trim fat around the waist, according to research published online Dec. 10 in Gut. However, the chemical compound ...


New floor covering can lead to breathing problems in babies

New flooring in the living environment of pregnant women significantly increases the risk of infants to suffer from respiratory diseases in their first year of life. This is the result of a study carried out by the Helmholtz ...

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