Medical research

Cancer-fighting drugs might also stop malaria early

Scientists searching for new drugs to fight malaria have identified a number of compounds—some of which are currently in clinical trials to treat cancer—that could add to the anti-malarial arsenal.


Seeking the causes of hyperactivity

The 60 trillion cells that comprise our bodies communicate constantly. Information travels when chemical compounds released by some cells are received by receptors in the membrane of another cell. In a paper published in ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Flipping the switch on scleroderma

Scleroderma is a rare and often fatal disease, causing the thickening of tissue, that currently lacks a cure and any effective treatments. A group of researchers, including a Michigan State University professor, is looking ...


Students' research addresses air quality in nail salons

An environmental health survey of 15 nail salons in the greater Boston area found high levels of volatile organic compounds at some of the salons, according to a report Brandeis students presented to the Boston Public Health ...

Medical research

Earwax: A new frontier of human odor information

Scientists from the Monell Center have used analytical organic chemistry to identify the presence of odor-producing chemical compounds in human earwax. Further, they found that the amounts of these compounds differ between ...

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