Medical research

Putting drug discovery back on target

'The world urgently needs new medicines for many diseases such as Alzheimer's, depression, diabetes and obesity,' says Professor Chas Bountra. 'Yet the pharmaceutical industry's success rate for generating truly novel medicines ...

Oncology & Cancer

Compounds point the way to cancer's dependencies

The Broad Institute's Center for the Science of Therapeutics today announced the launch of its Cancer Therapeutics Response Portal (CTRP; – a critical resource for advancing the discovery ...


Chemophobia shouldn't be on the menu

or breakfast and lunch for that matter— many people suffer from chemophobia, an irrational fear of natural and synthetic chemicals that pose no risk to our health, a Dartmouth study finds.


Study shows links between dust and breast milk

Concentrations of organic compounds called brominated flame retardants in New Zealand samples of dust and breast milk are "well below" limits imposed by international authorities, researchers from the College of Health have ...


We each live in our own little world—smellwise

There are some smells we all find revolting. But toward a handful of odors, different people display different sensitivities—some can smell them, while some can't, or some find them appealing, while others don't. A pair ...

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